2023-24 Improvement plan

The following targets are based on 5 priorities the school works on each year.

Priority 5 – Ensuring Wellbeing, Equity and Inclusion:

TargetHow we plan to achieve this targetExpected Outcome
Improve transition from P7 to S1Assisting at Primary Sports days in the Summer term with our Leadership Academy (AC will attend cluster meeting to discuss leading sports days to help with transition) – Minimum of 3 more.
Create a form to go out to primary parents before starting at Meldrum Academy to gather information that will help us get to know pupils.

By taking secondary school pupils to primary schools for sports day leadership, we will foster stronger relationships with incoming students, easing their transition and creating a more inclusive and supportive school community.

It is hoped that by gathering data on students’ academic, sporting, and personal interests during the primary-to-secondary school transition, stronger teacher-student relationships can be nurtured, personalised instruction facilitated, and sports and educational experiences enriched. This approach underscores the importance of differentiation in teaching.
Improve differentiation by endeavouring to create tasks, activities and resources which are effectively differentiated and provide appropriate pace and challenge for all learners.Focus on one area of staff teaching to improve differentiation with.
Use level benchmarks as a guide to tie in with priority 1.
Engage in professional learning via the PSG to increase skillset when creating tasks, activities and resources which are effectively differentiated and provide appropriate pace and challenge for all learners.
Make use of the data collected from current and upcoming pupils to get to know our learners as individuals.
By focusing on specific teaching areas, using level benchmarks, and engaging in professional learning through PSG we can help our PE and HE faculty team create effectively differentiated tasks and resources. Additionally, utilising learner data will enable personalized instruction, promoting inclusive learning for all students.