Parent Council


Your Meldrum Academy Parent Council is made up of a group of volunteer representatives of parents/carers whose children attend Meldrum Academy.

What is a Parent Council?

The Parent Council works with the Meldrum Academy staff to support learning and teaching, school improvement, and parental and community engagement.

What does the Parent Council do?

Some of the roles of the Parent Council can include:

  • Provide a voice for parents in schools and their local authority
  • Help the school to understand how to involve parents most effectively in their children’s learning and the life of the school
  • Support the school and Head Teacher in developing strong home/school partnerships
  • Support the school in understanding and making links with the wider community
  • Capture the unique and varied skills, interests, knowledge, and experience that parents can offer to help the school improve and develop

We work in partnership with representatives of the Academy – teaching staff and pupils – for the benefit of all pupils at the school.  The Parent Council represents the views of the Parent Forum (all parents/carers of Meldrum Academy pupils are automatically members of the Parent Forum) in a variety of ways:

  • Participation in the development of school policies
  • Involvement in the recruitment of senior staff
  • Contribution toward the school’s improvement plan
  • Organising social and fundraising events
  • Discussion about topics of interest to parents/carers and pupils

Please note:  Any concerns about individual pupils, families, or teachers should be raised with Pastoral Care teachers or the Head Teacher.

When does the Parent Council meet?

The Parent Council meets at least once per term, usually on a Wednesday evening at the Meldrum Academy Library.  Meeting dates will be published on the Facebook page and parents/carers will also receive an email prior to Parent Council meetings with the proposed agenda.

In addition to meetings each term, the Parent Council holds its Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the beginning of Term 1 in late August/early September.

Can I come along to a meeting?

Yes, all parents/carers with pupils at Meldrum Academy are very welcome to come along to Parent Council meetings.  These meetings are for the benefit of our Meldrum Academy parents/carers.  Please come along to a Parent Council meeting to find out what is happening in our school community and to share your views. 

Who attends Parent Council meetings?

In addition to members of the Parent Council and Parent Forum, meetings may also be attended by:

  • The Head Teacher attends as an Advisor and to share updates
  • Members of the Student Executive are invited to attend to represent views of the pupils (pupil voice)
  • Local Councillors are invited to share updates from Council discussions
  • Representatives from the teaching staff may be invited to share topical information
  • Guests may also be invited along depending upon Agenda items

What can I expect at a Parent Council meeting?

Our Meldrum Academy Parent Council meetings are informal meetings and we welcome you to attend as much of a meeting as you can.  In a typical meeting we will usually have:

  • Treasurer update
  • Head Teacher Update
  • Special topics
  • Other Business – questions, concerns, and topics raised by members of the Parent Forum

In the past, our Special Topics have included:  SHINE (pupil mental health survey results); UNCRC Overview – United Nations Conventions on the Rights of Children; Road Safety; Parental Survey Analysis; Dragon’s Den Competition for pupils; Mental Health & Wellbeing Update; Developing the Young Workforce (DYW); Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) & Attainment Impact; Proposed Changes to SQA (Scottish Qualifications)

Is there anything you would like to hear more about?  Please reach out to the Parent Council with your ideas and suggestions.

How can I get involved with the Parent Council?

We are always looking for new ideas and perspectives.  Please come along to the meetings and/or get in touch with us.  Please note that you do not need to take on one of the below roles to be part of the Parent Council…. we welcome any and all contributions of your time!

Our Parent Council has the following elected office bearers – elected at our AGM:

  • Chair
  • Vice Chair
  • Treasurer

Additionally, we would ideally also have the following roles – no election required for these roles:

  • Secretary/Clerk
  • Fundraising Committee Chair
  • Parent/Carer Representatives – S1
  • Parent/Carer Representatives – S2
  • Parent/Carer Representatives – S3
  • Parent/Carer Representatives – S4
  • Parent/Carer Representatives – S5
  • Parent/Carer Representatives – S6

How do I contact the Parent Council?

Please email us at:

You can follow our Facebook page:  Meldrum Academy Parent Council

We look forward to hearing from you, and seeing you at an upcoming Parent Council meeting!