Please see below with regards to how we structure our BGE curriculum in PE at Meldrum Academy. You can find the CfE experiences and outcomes for Physical Education online here.
S1 – Pupils will undertake 7 blocks on a rotation (to ensure each class gets a fair chance to use each facility) and 2 Significant Aspects of Learning (SAoL) are assessed in each block.
S2 – As for S1 but we aim to cover different sports within each activity block (for example – if your child has Football as an outdoor game in S1, they will likely do hockey or rugby in S2) and a different pair of SAoL’s will be assessed.
S3 – S3 works differently, in that in core PE pupils get a choice of activity each block (3 or 4 are on offer and the most sought after are taught) and each pupil will be assessed in the activity they have chosen on a rotation of SAoL’s. For example – in block 1 (7 weeks) your child may be taught/assessed with a focus on personal qualities and physical fitness in rugby, but another pupil in the year may be assessed on the same SAoL’s in table tennis.
S4/5 – In S4/5 we work a similar rotation to S3.